Monday, April 27, 2020

COVID-19 Updates for 4.27.2020

The rate of increase for COVID-19 continued its downward trend on Monday. As of April 27, there were a total of 16,325 reported cases across Ohio. This constitutes a 2.3% increase over Sunday Totals. There are wide disparities between counties by infection rate, with Marion County reporting the highest rate at 3,290 cases per 100,000 population and Vinton County still having no cases to report.


  1. Very interested as to what factors are contributing to the lack of cases in Vinton County. Is this simply an issue of testing resources, or is the county taking greater precautions than the rest of the state?

  2. It is likely that there are actual cases in this county, but limited resources and testing supplies. However, I would also surmise that cases are few as the surrounding counties in SE Ohio are very few.
